Visit wonderful Cilicia and explore legendary castles of Cilicia and Western Armenia where You can discover rich Armenian cultural and historical heritage. Hamshen Tour is a professional travel agency focused on tours to Historical Armenia and our company is doing its best to provide quality service, the best in Armenia. We have English-speaking experienced guides.

Tour details

Tsovakn Hyusiso (Childir) Lake
Sarikamish Forests

Passing through Gyumri and Georgia, we will enter Ardahan region. Here Tsovakn Hyusiso Lake awaits us, along the shores of which our way continues to Mush and we will pass through Sarikamish forests.

Passing Khulp in Sasun
Hromkla Fortress and Euphrates River

We will start our day from Mush, then we will pass through the heroic Khulp region of Sasun, then to Ayntap, and we will have a unique stop to sail along the Euphrates and see the legendary Hromkla (Rumkale) Fortress, which was not only known as a defense structure, but it was also a catholicon, where Nerses Shnorali's grave is.

Bagras (Buhras) Fortress
Payas Castle
Ayas Land Fortress
Ayas Sea Fortress
Levonkla Fortress

And here begins the parade of mighty fortresses. We will start with the Bagras fortress, which will impress any visitor immensely. Next, Payas awaits us with its fortified walls. On the other side of the Armenian Gulf is Ayas with its sea and land fortresses, which are also waiting for their discoverers. And here, one of the most powerful and impressive structures of Cilicia is Levonkla, which is not only extremely impressive in its appearance, but simply captivates with the view from its tall towers.

Sis (Kozan) Fortress
Catholicosate of Sis
Vahka (Feke) Fortress
Anarzaba (Anavarza) (hiking)
Tumlu Fortress

We will visit Sis fortress, which was one of the capitals of Cilicia. After fully enjoying Sis, we will go to discover Vahka, one of the famous fortresses of Cilicia, and after that we will visit Anarzaba Fortress by hiking. We will not only see the city of Anarzaba, but also climb the fortress of the same name. At the end of the day, the fortress of Tumlu awaits us, another impregnable fortress in Cilicia.

Mamure (Anamur) Fortress
Seleucia (Silifke) Fortress
Korykos Land fortress
Korykos Sea fortress
Today is the day of the seaside fortresses. We will start with the impressive Anamur fortress. Then we will visit the fortress of Seleucia, from the top of which we will enjoy breathtaking views, and the rest of the day is for Korykos, not only to explore, but also to have a rest on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Lambron Fortress
Guglak Fortress: Gates of Cilicia (hiking)
Til Hamtun Fortress

Another legendary fortress is waiting for us in the Taurus mountains, the mighty Lambron. And after the Lambron, another beautiful place is waiting for us: the fortress of Guglak, from where a breathtaking view of the gates of Cilicia opens. But this is not all. We will visit Til Hamtun fortress.

Ayntap Fortress
Fortress of Urfa (Edessia)
Pool of the sacred fish
Diyarbekir-Tigranakert: St. Kirakos Church and Walls

On the way back, we will visit Ayintap and Urfa Fortresses. In Diyarbekir-Tigranakert, the active Armenian church of St. Kirakos is waiting for us, as well as the strong fortress walls of this ancient city.

Mush: Old Armenian Quarter, St. Marine Church
Aratsani (Eastern Euphrates) River, Mush Valley, Sulukh Bridge
Basen: Araks River and Hoviv Bridge

The last day of our visit we will start by exploring Mush, seeing the local Armenian houses and St. Marine Church, then in the heart of the Mush plain we will see the Sulukh Bridge, built on the Aratsani River. After Mush we will go to Basen, where we will already see the Shepherd's (Hoviv) Bridge, built on the Araks River. Then we will return to Yerevan.