Visit Ani, swim in Lake Van, taste Van fish, sail to Aghtamar Island, see Mush Field, go through the slopes of Мt Ararat, Byurakn (Bingyol) Mountains, Tondrak, enjoy Berkri Waterfall, visit Van, Kars, Erzurum, Igdir, Bayazet, see Araks and Aratsani rivers and not only. Our 4-day tour to Western Armenia is the perfect one to visit and explore rich Armenian history.

Tour details

Lake Tsovakn Hyusiso (Childir)
Ani: Cathedral, Honents, Abughamrents, Prkich, Gagkashen, Arakelots Churches, City Walls, other places
Kars: Kars Fortress, St Apostles Church, Vardan Bridge, House of Charents

Our first stop is the second largest freshwater lake of the Armenian highlands, Tsovakn Hyusiso (Childir). After Tsovakn, we will make our way to the wonderful Ani. A wonderful tour awaits us in the city of a thousand and one churches. After Ani we will visit Kars and from the fortress of Kars, the panoramic view of Kars opens before you, where the Church of the Holy Apostles has its unique place. And in Kars we will cross the Vardan bridge and visit the house where Yeghishe Charents supposedly lived.

Sarikamish forests
Basen: Araks River and Hoviv (Shepherd) bridge
Karin (Erzurum): Armenian Church, Erzurum Fortress, Sanasarian College
Byurakn (Bingol) mountains
Mush fields: Aratsani River and Sulukh Bridge
Mush city: Old Armenian neighborhood and St Marine Church

Free evening in Mush

And here the evergreen forests of Sarikamish open before us, which are very unique and impressive in our highlands. Soon we will reach the shores of River Araks, passing through the Basen field. Our stop is at the Shepherd's Bridge. Karin, or today's Erzurum, has still kept its Armenian traces: the Church of the Holy Mother of God, the Sanasarian College, each of which has its own remarkable history. The preserved parts of Erzurum Fortress are also impressive. Crossing the Mush field, we reach the banks of the Aratsani (Eastern Euphrates) River, where we will see Sulukh Bridge, with its unique historical role and magnificent architectural composition. In Mush we will visit Saint Marine Charch and old Armenian villages.

Baghesh (Bitlis): Bitlis Fortress, Por village cross-stones and St. Anania church*
Aghtamar Island: Holy Cross Church, swimming in Lake Van

Varagavank Monastery*
Van cats
Van Fortress, tomb of Urartian kings
Mher's Door and Crow's Stone

And now it's time to go to the wonderful Aghtamar Island, where we will visit the Church of the Holy Cross (Surb Khach). Swimming in Lake Van is a dream of many, but with us it becomes a reality. After swimming in Van, it's time to enjoy the legendary Van fish. After this we will see Van cats with different eye colors. Soon it will be time to overcome the Van Fortress, with an indescribable view of Lake Van. In the fortress of Van, we open the tomb of the Urartian kings. Later, we will visit Mher’s Door.

Berkri Waterfall
Tondrak Mountain and Lava Fields
Daroink (Bayazet) Fortress
Crossing the slopes of Mt Ararat
Araks River

Our first stop today is Berkri Waterfall. We pass along the slopes of Tondrak mountain, we see impressive lava fields and the Biblical mountain Ararat. In Bayazet (Dogubeyazit) we will visit Daroink (Bayazet) Fortress. And here comes one of the moments every Armenian dreams of: crossing the slopes of Mt Ararat. Soon our road will pass through Igdir, and after a while we will see the Republic of Armenia on the other side. We are standing on the shore of the River Araks, which will soon merge with the River Akhuryan. A wonderful trip comes to the end.